about me

Hello friend,

I am so glad to have an opportunity to connect with you. Since you are here on my website, chances are, you’re experiencing a lot of changes that have been upsetting and overwhelming.

I relate to this and I would like to share a snapshot of my Long-Covid journey and a bit about myself. In August 2022, I became very sick with Covid and it was a very traumatic experience. By that point I had been studying the nervous system and somatics for 5 years. I could tell my nervous system was being effected by the virus. My body and mental state felt foreign after the initial infection and I received a Covid Long-Hauler diagnosis. Prior to Covid I loved movement activities like handstands, flying trapeze, and calisthenics. Afterwards, I struggled to do walks. I have had varying symptoms over the past 2.5 years, ranging from debilitating headaches, body pain, sensitivity to light/sound to fatigue, anxiety, PEM, etc. I have tried a wide variety of tools from brain retraining groups to herbalism to therapy. I would say all of these have had some benefit towards my well-being and quality of life, but the most helpful has been creating and participating in support groups.

If you have a diagnosis or if you suspect you are a long hauler, I first want to say, I see you and I am so sorry for the suffering you have experienced. I also want to give you a big reassurance that you are not alone.

When I was in the depths of despair, so overwhelmed with the physical pain I was experiencing and the emotional overwhelm, I was gently told by a mentor that I needed to be reminded of the goodness still here.

So, I went outside at night and hugged the trees near my house. I sang to the prayer plant in my living room. I held fuzzy leaves and slept with them under my pillow. I collected children’s books from the free library. I nurtured rose and passion flower plants and made rosary beads. I wrote poetry. I visualized calming worlds and joyful encounters. I watched the birds and I gently reminded myself of all the goodness still here, as I grieved what once was. I learned to create pockets of joy.

And yes, I still have symptoms. I did not find a “cure” although I have found much improvement in all areas of my life and continue to nurture joy alongside the struggle.

I have created Long-Covid Companionship as a balm for those who are weary and in need of being reminded of the “goodness.” This is a place to reject the idea that our worth and value is correlated to how much we can do. It is a place for attunement and care with peers who understand you and to shift away from isolation. Lastly, it is a place to nurture playfulness and joy alongside honoring our grief, anger, sadness, and fears.

I am proud of you for seeking out support and I am honored to be a part of your journey.

With care,

Kayla Arnone (she/her)

P.s. I am neurodivergent (adhd), queer, white, settler, and my lineage is from Sicily, Italy, Germany, Ireland, and France.


University of New Mexico~ B.A. Psychology & Spanish

WNMU~ MA in Social Work (in progress)

ISMETA~ 200+hrs  Somatic Movement Educator training with ISMETA certified instructor

Whole Movement Center~ 70+ hrs somatic movement education from Margery Segal 

TRE® International~ Certified Tension/Trauma Releasing Provider

Circus Aid~ Certified in Holistic Circus Therapy

Little Kayla is an inspiration in all that I create. She is who I think of when talking to myself. She deserves respect and care always. May your little one also feel loved and cared for in this space.

Stuffed animals have been a great comfort for me and I respect this inner knowing by not shaming that connection, but embracing stuffed animals as ‘protectors’ and ‘supportive collaborators.’ Pictured above are Lala and Lil Uni.

Let’s Begin